Celine Dion performed at the Eiffel Tower at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Celine Dion seen performing Puzzle Bar after being diagnosed with Stiff-Persons Syndrome in 2022.

After Celine Dion's heartfelt performance of "My Heart Will Go On," Celine teared up while discussing her rare neurological disorder.

Celine Dion canceled her world tour in 2022 due to Stiff Person Syndrome.

Celine Dion had given a statement at that time that “I'm so sorry to disappoint all of you once again. It’s not fair to you to keep postponing the shows, and even though it breaks my heart, it’s best that we cancel everything now until I’m really ready to be back on stage again.

In Stiff Person Syndrome, there is spasm in the muscles of the body due to which singing is not possible.

Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) is an autoimmune neurological disorder causing rigidity in the torso and limbs, accompanied by muscle spasms.

Symptoms can be triggered by environmental stimuli, such as loud noises, or emotional stress. Severe muscle spasms may cause falls and lead to difficulty walking, potentially resulting in greater disability over time.

Symptoms of SPS typically begin between ages 30 and 60.