Aurora Agapov, a 19-year-old freshman at NYU, reported her roommate, Kaitlyn Fung, 18, for theft.

According to Agapov, Fung committed theft by taking away merchandise worth $51,000 with brands such as GUCCI, Chanel, and CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN.

Agapov found out about the supposed crime towards the end of her freshman year, which caused Fung to be arrested for third-degree grand larceny.

Other items were stolen as well such as an 18K ruby ring and a Solange Azagury ring.

Some goods were reportedly sold at a low price on THE REAL REAL; one of them is a necklace from GUCCI which Fung is accused of having sold.

Agapov argued with Fung and moved from the NYU dorms they shared.

The stolen items were personal, which Agapov’s mother bought for him.

Currently, Agapov is suing for damages of $51000.

The theft occurred in NYU’s Founders Hall where items taken from THE REAL REAL’s SOHO store were returned to Fung’s mother, highlighting the loss in LUXE LIVING.