A proposed class action lawsuit was filed on Thursday that alleged Apple underpaid more than 12,000 women in California than the male counterparts in the same position.

The lawsuit comes from two long-time Apple employees who are accusing the corporation of systematically paying men more than women for the same work in the engineering, marketing and AppleCare departments.

Apple’s policy of offering “starting pay based on prior salary or ‘pay expectations’”practices is said to keep women at lower pay rates.

The complaint also has Apple having a performance evaluation system which is used to determine every employee’s rise and bonuses through promotions and this one is said to favor men as against women.

However, the Apple officials have said that the company boasts of pay equity since 2017, and the chief executive officer promised to conduct third-party reviews annually to ensure the pay parity persists.

Cervantez, the attorney of the plaintiff, expresses that Apple’s practice perpetuates gender wage disparities.

The plaintiffs are employing law firms that specialize in complex class action lawsuits with significant damages claims.

The lawsuit accuses Apple of denying it infringed on California’s Equal Pay Act and other state laws and demands undisclosed damages and penalties.